's almost Fall
Wow, it’s been such a busy and hot summer (yes, I do enjoy both). I feel it’s time to pause and really reflect as I settle into more of a routine again.
I like to take time periodically to slow down and really listen to life (now, I do try to do this almost daily on my yoga mat – but, honestly that’s usually more about my physical body and what it needs to stay healthy).
I’ve often said in my classes and courses, ‘if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten’. Is that what lights you up? Is that what gives you a chance to know yourself better – to give back in life in a relevant, authentic way?
So, to live by that credo, it’s time for some deeper reflections as the Fall approaches giving me plenty of opportunity to listen. I want to explore all options and find deep gratitude for everyone and everything that has helped shape my life to this point. Moving into the rhythm of October, I’m pondering these ideas about what is my life like, what things continue to bring me joy; what things have served their purpose and it’s time to let go and move on; what steps do I want to take to change my life? Where do I want more adventure? What doors do I want to open into different pathways of exploration?
What about you – are you ready to check in with your life?
What is really jazzing you in life? What brings expansive opportunity?
What is not working or is creating a lot of challenge and heartache?
What do you really want that would make you happy?
What steps are you willing to take to move in that direction?
What do you have control over to change?
After some reflection and real inner excavating, the challenge become finding the courage to step (step in, step out, step back or step forward) to realize the next level. It takes a willingness to be fearless and imagine that life can be different. As I always say, ‘if you change one thing, you change everything’.
It’s time, don’t you feel?