Private Sessions
Due to limited space - Sessions are by appointment only.
Missed or cancelled appointments without 24 hours notice will be charged the full fee.
Live from the Inside out and Be Beautiful
Personalized Package just for you!
Package includes
An initial phone call to set intentions/goals for you
5-10 min. personalized Centering for you (based on your intentions). Video sent to you
30 min. Yoga, Stretching, and Therapeutics session personalized for your goals. Video sent to you
15 min. Fascial Release session. Video sent to you
Follow up phone call as you need to shift or tweak things.
Total Cost: $100 plus HST
Myofascial Release is a therapy that addresses restrictions and imbalances of the various connective tissues in the body. It works to promote radiant health & vitality by decreasing or eliminating pain and restoring fuller range of movement. It is a quiet, non-invasive, non-harming modality that works in partnership with the client. This modality can release the Fascia so that every other modality you choose, can be even more effective.
Benefits can include:
Reduced pain and tightness
Improved posture
Greater flexibility & ease of movement
Decreased stress & tension
Improved energy level
Better balance and body awareness
I work with the unique approach of John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release.
Fascial Stretch Therapy™ is a table-based, facilitated stretching system for the entire body. It is a complementary modality to all other training, workout systems and forms of bodywork. We use assisted stretching to work the fascia (connective tissue) of the body and optimize the range of movement available through the joint capsules working in sync with the breath and the body.
THAI Table YOGA MASSAGE – 1 hour
Thai Massage is an ancient form of body therapy dating back 2500 years. It gently stretches and opens the body by incorporating yoga, shiatsu and acupressure along with techniques of gentle rocking, pressing, kneading, stretching & compression. You will be placed in a series of yoga postures while receiving pressure point massage. It works primarily on your legs, back, neck & shoulders. Thai Massage encourages the body to heal itself by releasing muscle tension, increasing flexibility and circulation and stimulating the release of endorphins. This style is done on a massage table with you wearing comfortable clothing.
This work is done 1:1 or in very small groups.
An individualized session targets areas of pain, discomfort, injury or concern by linking movement to deep breath work and body awareness. A postural assessment is done and then you are led through basic yoga poses and/or practices including therapeutic essentials to re-align your body into its innate optimal blueprint. A personalized program is outlined – giving you a home practice to motivate your involvement as that is an integral part of your healing.