What is the Truth?

Truth is influenced through the filters of our experiences and perceptions. Truth can withstand inquiries & scrutiny, so question everything & don’t take my word or anyone else’s.

There is so much to consider, ponder and take in every single day, and trying to determine what is True in all that information & disinformation can be an overload nightmare! Just because you don’t want to believe something doesn’t make it less True.  Just because you want to believe something doesn’t make it True! What a swirl of mixed emotions as we sort through the tsunami of stuff coming our way. 

In a world so controlled by social media & the news – so influenced by outside sources with various agendas including greed, control, and power – it’s challenging at times to find the Truth. When greed and control become the moral compass by which people decide to put their Truth forward, we are on a slippery slope.

Not everyone has our best interests at heart. Yet, others are innocent and gullible & believe they are sharing Truth. We need the strength of our convictions while maintaining a flexibility to take in new information to be held up against our Truth & see what feels right to each of us individually.

Inconvenient truths give us an opportunity to unlearn something potentially detrimental to our growth, healing, and awakening. They also give us an opportunity to expand our consciousness but, in that process, they will probably cause some cognitive dissonance and force us to look deeper – to dig deeper & if we choose to go down that rabbit hole can unlock the innate potential within us & within humanity. 

When we give others the power to make our minds up for us – when we stop trying to figure out what is right and wrong – we are dangerously close to losing our power to make conscious choices. 

We all need:

  • To breathe – slow down – look within to find the answers – to trust ourselves for the Truth and then lean into that path

  •  To take responsibility for our lives

  • To take responsibility for our thoughts, words, and our deeds/actions

  • To stay in open-hearted awareness

  • To stay grounded in our hearts with a strong faith and moral compass to guide us

  • To use both our hearts and our minds to show us the way forward

  • To be discerning – extremely discerning in all that we take in, digest, and allow to influence us and our lives.

Pausing in the insane chaos – pausing to reflect – pausing to allow the information to flow through you – and use your knowledge to draw wisdom from within you. Take one piece of information – one Truth you believe in and feel it. Breathe into it. Draw it through you – then decide if it is Truth – for you at this time in your life.

We change – we can heal – we can grow – we can shift imbalances – and see our lives and our world with greater and greater clarity.

Be true to yourself – be true to your character – regardless of outside pressure to see or be different. Don’t let anyone shame, blame, manipulate or coerce you into believing something that is not truth for you. Be discerning. 

Be kind and patient with those you disagree with. Be respectful and stay open-hearted. Be resilient in your resolve to know the expanding Truth. Be diligent in pursuing your Truth using both heart & mind. 

And the Truth will set you free… it may anger you at first, but it will give you an opportunity to free yourself from the confines of a limited life and thinking. You are worth it & t’s time!

Brenda Dowell