It’s Okay

It’s okay to rest when you’re tired. 

It’s okay to slow down and not go full speed ahead all the time.

It’s okay to ask for help, to ask for what you want, to ask for what you need. 

It’s okay to spend time alone, in fact your spiritual growth demands it.

It’s okay to dream about what you want to create in life.

It’s okay to have teachers, friends, and colleagues who offer advice, assistance, and opinions.

It’s okay to say no to things you don’t want to do.

It’s okay to walk away from people and things that do not feel right to you. 

It’s okay to speak your Truth – to say what you need to say – with kindness. 

It’s okay to stand alone on principle to be in integrity, but don’t let it harden you, don’t let it close your heart and mind to life and others. 

It’s okay to not ‘fit in’ anywhere.

It’s okay to want more than you have. 

It’s okay to want to change and move in a direction that suits you.

It’s okay to make mistakes. 

It’s okay to not have all the answers. 

It’s okay to trust your gut and not have a ‘logical’ explanation.

It’s okay to believe in yourself.

It’s okay to know your value.

It’s okay to live in ways that feed your heart and soul.

It’s okay to have your own opinions, beliefs, and ideas.

It’s okay to stand alone.  Learn to love your own company and trust yourself. 

It’s okay to say “No” without guilt or shame. 

In this amazing, challenging, expansive, and wonderful world, we need to honour ourselves by believing in our value, knowing we have worth, and showing up everyday in the best way possible for us. We need to know and believe that there is nothing we need to earn to be here now. We must understand that we are spiritual beings in this human experience and our journeys require us to stumble, fall, learn, heal, grow, and get up as a stronger, more resilient version of our best self. 

Trust yourself, trust your process, trust this life and trust that you will be shown what you need to know next. 

It’s okay, you’ve got this! 

Brenda Dowell