Stepping Up – Stepping Back - Stepping Forward – Stepping Out.
Life is not an ‘all or nothing’ journey. When we are faced with challenges and obstacles that block our movement forward – we have choices to make.
Do we allow the roadblock to totally stop our momentum forward? Do we side-step the boulder and avoid the confrontation or potential inner work needed to overcome the issue? Do we step into the oncoming challenge with eyes, heart and mind open to explore the edges of our discomfort and see what this is all about for us at this time?
As I work through so much in my own life, I am realizing that I have used all these strategies at different times in my life depending on where I was, what I thought I wanted and needed at that time. I am being as gentle as I can in reflection – allowing myself the ‘humanness’ of making bad or ineffective choices in some of those situations. Hindsight is always 20-20!
What I am finding is I’ve developed some patterns of coping that have been extremely effective for most of my adult life, but some have also dropped me to my knees in heartbreak and humility.
I am working to find the ability each day to stay open to life’s possibilities, opportunities and challenges by taking in as much information, insight and learning as I can integrate. By allowing more details to be incorporated into the choices, I can better assess the situation before I land in a decision. For myself, I also need to draw that information into my feeling intelligence, to see if it works on all levels of my being.
There are so many things that challenge me to step outside my known reality – my ability to control things – my comfort zone of living – my limiting thoughts, ideas and beliefs about so much in life and living. I’m pushed into accepting some truths about myself and life that I don’t necessarily love. As this unfolds, I’m learning (slowly at times) to accept this and find better ways of being.
I unconsciously made a decision many years ago to take chances, to take leaps of faith, to not settle but to continually strive to be the best I can be – as a person, as a student, as a friend, as a human in this world. Many years ago, my unconscious became conscious as I grew in my relationship with myself – as I learned what a curious, life-seeker I am! I rarely sit still – I love to learn, I love to create, I love to inspire, and I love to empower. My life continues to evolve – most times beyond my comprehension!
This strategy isn’t for everyone! In fact, I’ve lost some relationships because of this drive – either I’ve walked away, or they did (and sometimes we both did). But it truly works for me – scares me – excites me and works for my life.
What strategies do you use when faced with challenges on your path forward? I’d love to hear about them.
In curious, leap-of-faith love,
Last time in Ontario - this Fall - FASCIAL RELEASE & YOGA
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