From Baby Steps to Leaps of Faith

Life is truly a gift and an invitation to explore the raw edges of living in a way that reflects your truest essence.

This journey through life is very different for each of us. There are so many variables, from our upbringing and families to education – expectations and obligations – combined with the yearnings of our heart as we live day to day. We desire to find a way to stand alone while surrounded by others. It’s a game of ups and downs – of being led by our Egos at times and at other times, lead by a belief – a knowing, and surrendering to Grace - allowing life to unfold.

It’s a constant invitation to become more authentic and real in what we say, do and feel. It’s a continuous challenge to come back to what we know to be right for us in living our lives from the authenticity of our souls.

This dance requires a learning curve that includes many dance steps – many missteps and at times various leaps – finding ourselves flying through the air to be caught in the arms of Faith, Hope and Trust.

When we begin asserting our independence – the twists and turns in our potential learning curves speed up and seem more complicated as the choices open our eyes, minds and hearts.

Each decision lands us in situations and circumstances that have consequences. As we grow, we must realize that is our job to take responsibility for those choices without blaming others (unless we have been outright lied to or deceived). In the end, the ultimate responsibility is still ours to take.

As we lean in to life, stand in our power, assert our truth and do what we believe to be our purpose – each baby step we take builds a foundation of confidence to set us free and eventually lends itself to take certain leaps of faith.

Growing up with four older siblings, was interesting, fulfilling and good cover for me to learn how to navigate the steps and leaps. While we share some big picture outlooks in life, we are all different in our approaches to life, living and choosing.  Most days, I choose to lean in and leap. Today, as I find myself unpacking in the midst of a whole new adventure in PEI with a new community – limitless possibilities and potential – I am noticing that being courageous and free doesn’t mean there isn’t fear as well. It is my Nature to leap – to know at my heart and soul level that this is right and requires me to be True to myself as I take that leap. Breathing here with a heart-knowing.

What I’m saying is this – it doesn’t matter your style – stepping, stopping, slowing down, researching, jumping, hopping, slow or fast, running or leaping – make this the best life you possibly can by leaning in, finding your Truth – expressing your voice and making choices/decisions that honour the depth of your heart and soul. Just keep stepping and listening. Lean in and live – full out.

What is your style, your method of approaching life and decisions? I’d love to hear

Love & light


Brenda Dowell