Reflect – Respect - Respond

Riding the waves of energy these past couple of months has been insightful, upsetting, rejuvenating, frustrating and eye-opening.

To be clear - crystal clear, I do not claim to know what is right for anyone else. There are times I struggle in my own choices.

What I do know and believe with all my heart, is that we do the best we can with who we are and what we know at any given time. We are sovereign beings with free will choice – and have the freedom to express that.

In the muddy and murky waters of information, disinformation, misinformation that is upon us all, it’s imperative for each of us to trust ourselves, trust our gut, trust our hearts as we listen to the limitless information shovelled at us and then discern what is truth for us by knowing what resonates for us.

So, for me, moving forward in the best way possible for me, I have committed to:

Reflect; Respect and Respond

Reflect on my beliefs, my truth, my understanding of myself and life

Respect myself enough to live my truth and respect others in theirs

Respond kindly, especially in disagreeing

I invite you to use this model, modify it to suit you or just ponder those possibilities. Use your critical thinking, common sense and humanity for compassionate clarity in these troubled times. 

We will come through this stronger and with a greater clarity of our purpose and potential – if we remember our humanness, our true hearts and use fear as a guide to reflect upon but not paralyze our love, understanding and empathy for ourselves and others.

May you know how loved you are


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Brenda Dowell