Cognitive Dissonance

Our beliefs help guide and have lead us in life. Many beliefs we have acquired very early in life. Other beliefs come to us as we live our lives and face situations, circumstances and challenges day to day. They offer us a safe, known container in which to navigate our lives. 

But, what if some of what we believed and were taught to believe are no longer true for us as we evolve and grow? 

So, what do you believe? What do you believe about life? About Living? About Yourself? About others? Why do you believe this? What convinced you? Do you think/feel that beliefs can change? How do you open yourself to new ideas and beliefs, especially if they don’t conveniently fit into your life?

Do you believe all that you see, all that you hear and all that you read?

How do you sort through the vast amount of information/disinformation/misinformation that is out there? 

Personally, I find myself flailing at times trying to discern and take in all that is presented without totally shutting down. It is challenging and illuminating at what my tendencies are in life. I constantly work to find my true North and stay true to my heart. 

If you only ever read information that confirms what you already believe – how can you expand your awareness and vision of life? If you read things that trigger you – that anger you – that upset you – how do you react/respond? Is your reaction helping, healing or harming?

If you read something that is just not the truth for you – how do you handle that situation? If you disagree with others – how do you manage the difference of opinions and stay in integrity and kindness?

If you lock yourself into a hard belief – an unchanging thought pattern – what happens to your ability to consider and ponder another persons’ beliefs while navigating the endless sea of information? When we get hardened, what happens to our empathy and compassion for others and ourselves? When we get triggered and angry, what happens to our humanity?

When we must be ‘right’ over what is true – when we push back with all we have in a rigid way – we are losing our opportunities for growth and for change.

Cognitive Dissonance is rampant in these times. It is defined as “sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief the new evidence cannot be accepted. It creates a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance”

There are so many avenues to consider and paths to take – so many ways to react or respond to people and life, it can be overwhelming at times.

It is why I believe that one of the most important things we need to do is understand ourselves, know ourselves – look at our belief systems – challenge ourselves to heal and grow through adversity. We can choose to slow down, breathe, open ourselves to something different – at least, to consider it instead of just saying no and hardening into our past beliefs. 

As Life presents new and different ideas, we can sift through and filter out what feels true for us at a deep soul level. From this inner innate wisdom, we can feel what is fact for us at this time, before dismissing an opportunity to grow into the magnificence and depth of being that we were born to be.

Much love & light as you evolve and heal, 


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Brenda Dowell