Connection is Essential as Humans




Many years ago, my Philosophy teacher said those words. Even in my confusion, I wrote them down. My inner voice was yelling, “What!”

My teacher went on to say that when we meet other people, in our suspicions and insecurities, we put up walls to protect our fragile egos and truly believe that we are nothing like those outside of ourselves. We hide behind our insecurities and justify staying clear of ‘those’ people.

He said that once we begin doing more and more of our own shadow work, when we dive deeper into knowing ourselves, our triggers and our traumas – we begin to come out of the darkness a bit – needing, wanting and yearning to connect with others who’ve had similar experiences. We want to know that we are not alone in this mess called healing. That is a turning point for us as we begin to believe and understand that we are ‘something like the others’. There are some common threads, some shared knowledge and wisdom that we can share in conversations to discuss our journeys toward healing and enlightenment. In this process of awakening, opening & mutual respect – we connect.

Further along our individual journeys, as we learn to love & accept ourselves as perfectly imperfect beings with a wide-range of life experiences – some unique, some in common with others – we begin to realize that we are One. We know at a heart & soul level, that we are all connected and simply unique expressions of the One Love. What a revolutionary concept!

In a world filled with division – some intentional and some more innocent – I am reminded of this teaching more and more every day.

Division wants us to stay as a being who believes we are nothing like each other. This keeps our defenses up and continues to separate us – physically, mentally, and emotionally. We begin to create greater & greater distances – we build taller & taller walls to separate ourselves – and in this process we isolate ourselves again and fall into ‘I’m all alone in this & need to fight everything and everyone for my survival’. We live in suspicion, doubt, and day to day fear.

If we can pause the judgement and fear long enough to see others as individual souls – as brothers & sisters on this journey in life – we can open our hearts & minds to re-connect and expand our life experiences in incredible ways. If we can see that we each do the best we can every day with what we know & who we are, we are on a path of healing humanity as a whole, and individually healing our souls.
This is definitely a process – dare I say, a lifelong process of discovery, healing, humbling truth and expansive joy. What a ride!

I find myself wavering between the 3 ‘states of knowing’ almost everyday. I try to be gentle in my understanding and awareness as I work to heal myself and in that process – heal a bigger connection to humanity and the whole. I remind myself that it is a healing journey & to be kind, understanding and more loving to myself and others. I work to focus more on my issues to heal & less on others.

How are you weathering this intensity? How are you negotiating the storms? Are you isolated?

Can you be kind, gentle, & respectful with yourself and others as we each find our footing – find our connection to our hearts – and by extension – our connection to each other?

I believe this is the truest essence of being human – to connect, love & honour each other – especially in our differences.

So, reach out and connect – don’t let separation & division rob you of your humanity – rob you of your innate ability to connect, rob you of the love you deserve and rob you of expanding your understanding of yourself and life itself.

Beaming radiant waves of love & light

And so it is.

Brenda Dowell