Imaginal Cells

The caterpillar crawls along the earth, living in the moment – taking in the beauty of his limited view – crawling, eating, moving and just being alive before he gets the yearning for something so much different. The simplicity of his life is about to completely dissolve into chaos. From this chaos will come a divine potential of limitless beauty that he couldn’t fathom before the journey began!

The process of change – of becoming your true potential takes courage, patience, trust, determination & a drive to move beyond the comfort of day to day living – into an unimaginable potential – beyond your wildest dreams. This process will require the full commitment of your being – it will test you and push you to become more – so much more – on every level of your being.

Imaginal cells are the ones that create the incredible process of metamorphosis that occurs when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. These cells hold all the potential for the future, but initially they act separately, before combining as one to create something incredible that is a great improvement on their previous existence.

This time we are in right now is filled with so much fear, so much unknown, so much information, dis-information, and misinformation. It’s really challenging to stay grounded and balanced in yourself & your life. The shaming, blaming, and finger-pointing can divide us – can infuriate us and can ultimately create a severing of relationships. It’s heart-breaking at times but it can also be freeing to let go of what is ‘put on you’ and find what is right for you. No one knows your path – not one soul can live your life for you. It requires that dedication and determination to dig deep – to move into the chaos and find what is your Truth – what is your dharma – your Path.

I’m hoping and trusting that as we move into this extreme chaos – this extreme division – that we can feel the storm – and use the confusion and chaos to unravel the layers of expectations – the layers of living that hold us back from becoming our fullest expression of heart & soul.

So, I’m choosing (in this moment) to go into the darkness – go into the unknown – to let the imaginal cells liquify and release all that is no longer needed and necessary for my highest good and greatest joy to allow me to be of service to the whole.

I hope you find the internal push to allow the storm to change you – to release you – to awaken you – to allow you to find yourself fully – and in that ‘imaginal’ state – to bring forth the best possible version of you – to give you courage & strength to be clear on your path – to give back to the Light of the world in the most amazing ways possible.

We’ve got this! We can do this individually – together! We are One – we are connected – when each of us do our work – we all benefit for the Highest Good of the Collective Soul.

Are you ready? Just imagine the possibilities…

Be kind & much love & light to you all


Brenda Dowell