From my heart to yours as we close out this continual up & down ride of 2021:
May you find a renewed energy to reflect upon what is truly valuable to you
May you find the courage to release what doesn’t serve your journey & Peace to fill you
May you find Magic in the most unexpected ways
May you enjoy the time you’ve been given with people who inspire you
May you understand a depth to yourself that empowers you
May you connect with your heart & soul in ways that light you up from the inside
May you laugh often & dance with reckless abandon
May you love without the need for validation
May you find clarity through true inner knowing
May you find the wisdom to question all that doesn’t feel right
May you find humility to allow others their sacred journey (even when you don’t agree)
May you know beyond a doubt that your value is not determined by others
May this holiday season include gifts that expand your life including:
Compassion & empathy for yourself and others
Kindness toward yourself and others
Courage to step into the dreams that call you
Wisdom to dive deep into life and its meaning
Knowledge to add to the depth of experiencing life
Connection with those you love
Hugs to uplift your heart & soul
Authentic conversations with those you respect & admire
Friendships that nurture your heart and soul
Adventure to awaken the child within & play with that ‘wide-eyed’ wonder
Joy to fill the corners of your life
Fearlessness to face the daunting tasks
Contemplation on the darkness that enriches your life
Resiliency to keep stepping up even when you fall
Time to share the best of life and living
Energy to do all that intrigues you
Love to fill your heart and soul
Support to allow you to follow your dreams
Inspiration to expand your life experiences
Empowerment to feel in charge of your choices
Forgiveness for past mistakes – yourself & others
Curiosity to go outside your comfort zone
Resonance with all that lights up your heart
Magic to live full out at every opportunity
Willingness to imagine beyond the boundaries
Peace to land in the richness of life & living
From my heart to yours, I am so grateful for your presence in my life
Merry Christmas
with much love, light & hugs