What I have Learned this Past Year
This has been one of the most unusual, challenging years for so many of us. There have been so many obstacles, restrictions, and new things to be aware of – as we moved into and through this past year.
It has forced us to re-evaluate life, living and what has value to us. It has forced us to be present to the way we live – and how this will change – moving forward.
There are so many opportunities to rise above and:
To look at what is working
To look at what is not working
To review old beliefs and opinions
To re-evaluate habits and old ways of being
To stay open hearted in an environment of constriction (& at times judgement)
To stay open minded in a year of chaos and confusion (& overload)
To re-arrange life in ways that inspire us and fulfill us
It has been intense and incredible – all at the same time. It has been both spacious and contracted – all at the same time. It has been Light & Dark – all at the same time. There is so much to lean into – so much to learn.
So – in this crazy, chaotic year filled with possibilities for something new &/or different, I would like to share some things I have truly come to believe, learn or deepen my understanding of them.
Curiosities that keep me humble in the learning:
I have so much to learn about life and myself
There is so much peace and chaos in solitude
No amount of planning can fully prepare us for the unknown
Life doesn’t work on my ‘timelines’
Life is ‘stranger than fiction’ – you cannot make some of this stuff up
I am resilient and have a great deal of hope and faith
Connection (especially hugs) are vital to mental & physical health
Patience and letting go is a lifetime journey for me
It is critical to question everything
It is vital to ‘check in’ with my heart energy to feel the resonance or dissonance
Disagreeing with others can be respectful and kind but sometimes it is not
Disappointment is a part of having expectations
You cannot believe everything you read, see, or hear
Life is not a ‘straight line’ experience
What I want is not always what I need
Care but don’t carry others. Caring for others is not the same as ‘carrying them’
Resistance brings out the best and worst in people
Pressure and differing opinions brings out the truth of our beliefs
Fear immobilizes people & compromises our ability to make rational choices
Out of constriction – can come amazing clarity
Time allows us to heal if we are willing to go to the hurt & unhealed places
Love truly can change most things
Even in the face of adversity, I need to keep asking questions & working through the confusion
I value Freedom as much as life itself
I need to learn new things to incorporate into my life, teachings and relationships
I love authentic people and how they live their lives. They inspire me
I realize how little I need
I love life and my ‘heart’ peeps
I’m curious, if you’d care to share, what has the last year taught you?
Stay connected to your heart; this is a challenging time for us all.
Love & light