
“To Be or not to Be” – To be real; authentic; sincere; truthful – yourself. Isn’t that the question?

Truth – personal truth – is an individual exploration. It is a journey into depths of you. It can be scary & upsetting as you lift the veils to discover deeper truths. As you struggle to understand these truths – it can also be a lonely, dark place as not everyone will see/feel or agree with you on this. 

We all have Light and Dark. We are incredible beings – capable of enormous acts of bravery, kindness, love, and compassion. We can also be capable of horrific cruelty and destruction. This is a reality of being human – a truth of our perfectly imperfect humanness. The sooner we can accept the duality of us – both sides of the coin – the sooner we can walk in greater and greater integrity.

We have the power to choose – to make choices that align us with our Truth, the world’s Truth, or a selection of the Truth. For me – learning this has freed me up and continues to free me up. It is an ongoing, at times excruciating process – but freedom is worth the journey. 

With so much “truth” or “reality” out there – it can be impossible to know the Truth. In some cases, it can all be true – for each individual person. Therefore, knowing yourself – knowing your heart & soul – knowing your Truth – is the “key” for you in moving through the information and finding your way home to your Heart and wholeness.

There is a resonance – a clicking – a sync – when you hear, see, or align with your Truth. You can feel it.

Truth will trigger you, beckoning you to explore it further, research it and expand on it. 

When you speak or become your Truth (or a closer version to your essence), others may be irritated, annoyed, and out right angered by your presence. Perhaps their Truth is being revealed to them – perhaps there is a lack of resonance for them – especially when they lash out in anger. Pay attention.

Others’ ‘truth’ can also trigger us, especially if it goes against our beliefs – our understanding of life and anything we have a vested interest in protecting. If you want to attack or flat out refuse to hear another perspective - pay attention – you are triggered. 

When I am triggered, I force myself to sit in my discomfort, anger, and judgement to feel what is my Truth and what is not. Am I doing a ‘knee jerk’ reaction to something based on truth – or my ego and loyalty to old ways of being and beliefs? Interesting ongoing process.

Our triggers are an invitation to dig deeper – to see why we are so affected or offended by information outside of our comfort zone. Leaning into a broader perspective and gathering more information is paramount to understanding yourself and life better. It is crucial in the growth and healing journey you are on. It requires a patience, empathy, and willingness to soften – to be vulnerable – and open ourselves to possibilities and potential greater than ourselves.

Truth has uplifted and expanded me and my vision of life. Truth has also brought me to my knees – humbling me.  I need to digest pieces – little by little – otherwise, I tend to knee jerk react back into my old ways of being and beliefs. It is a lifetime process.

Some Truths are Universal (as we know them today). Gravity works – what goes up will come down. 

Other Truths are individual and unique. I need lots of fruit & vegetables, exercise, and quiet time alone for reflection and creativity. That is one of my individual truths. My Truth works for me – until it does not – then I have a choice to stay stuck in what used to work for me or expand my options.

What I have learned & continue to try and convey to others is that Truth can withstand any inquiry or question – truth can have Light shone upon it from all directions without getting defensive. Truth just is. So, be brave in the quest – be courageous in the uncovering and be relentless in the pursuit of your Truth (while remaining loving, kind, open and authentic). 

My Invitation to you:

Spend time in reflection of what your Truth really is – go deep – feel it. 

Understand what triggers you – so you can evolve through the process of unravelling and feeling your Truth

Stay open to hear Truths that differ from yours (especially those that you disagree with). It helps to keep you humble and clear.

Always explore – learn more about life & living. There is so much more than any one of us can possibly comprehend.

Let truth humble you – stay heart-connected and respectful with others, especially those who are following their own Truth.

Brenda Dowell