Know Your Triggers – Know How to Diffuse & Release
There is so much chaos and confusion in the world right now it can be extremely hard to find center – to find balance. There are so many opportunities to draw upon to heal the deep crevices of our hearts & souls.
No matter what you believe or don’t believe, what you know or don’t know, what you think you know or don’t know – there is plenty of food for thought and chances to re-visit old paradigms and belief systems if you can remain open to all potentials.
The challenge I face is to remain in an open hearted – open minded state while hearing or reviewing stuff that pushes my buttons – stuff that I cannot align with. That is a huge challenge for me and I continue to work on it daily (especially with all the mixed messages and stuff being pressed into our lives by entities that don’t know us personally).
Some days I can go with the flow and let things go and other days I get buried in the mess of the world and get dragged down. It’s a balance – it’s a dance – it’s exhausting at times.
In those times that I get dragged through the mud – that I lose my center and fall in the pit of negativity, I struggle finding my grounding. I rely on certain things to lift me – to shift me – to allow me to breathe deeper. In those times that I cannot ‘run or shift’ the focus, I know I need to be in the ‘mess’ and feel it. That’s the only way I can heal it fully & learn more about the truth of who I am and why I’m here at this time.
I know intellectually that we must ‘feel it to heal it’ but sometimes it is easier to ‘side step’ the healing and distract ourselves. I’m not judging or telling anyone how they should feel, what they should believe or try – my hope is to inspire you to lean into life fully & to empower you to find your footing – to find your center – to remember the truth of who you are and come home to your heart – again and again and again.
Life is a gift and it continues to unfold in amazing and challenging ways. I have learned many tools to help me find my way – especially when I feel lost and alone. I would like to share with you some of those things that I find helpful and hope they may offer another path Home for you.
Some tools I use are:
Lay on my yoga mat and place my hands on my heart or belly - & just breathe deep
I walk on the grass (or sand) barefoot to feel the Earth & her rhythm. I also lie down or sit on the ground.
I play music I love – and dance or move to it’s beat
I take long drives (or walks) with my camera taking pictures of everything that looks beautiful to me
I stretch, release, do yoga, workout – any form of movement to get energy flowing
I connect with people who love & inspire me – who can hold space for my ‘funk’
I read books to learn & sometimes just to get lost for a time (good movies also work)
I allow myself to cry – to feel the discomfort – to be in the mess (this one can be hard, especially in a world that expects you to be ‘sunshine & rainbows’)
I always work my way back to myself – to my heart – to my innate wisdom – to remember the bigger picture – to trust life and know – ‘this too shall pass’
I get myself back to eating food that supports me; drink my smoothies & celery juice, etc. - & yes, sometimes that includes ‘rum & raisin ice cream’! lol
These are some of the things I do – to help myself find center. I hope you can find a few that resonate for you to try.
I’d love to hear what you do for yourself – how you self-soothe & dig deeper for your healing journey. Please share anything you feel comfortable with – I’d truly love to hear from you.
Sending you all so much love & light – so much healing energy to find your way Home to your Heart!
For Grounding Exercises, check out my YouTube Channel
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