What is it all about?
What is life and living and loving all about? I don’t profess to know what ‘it’ is for you or anyone other than myself. And, haven’t the last 18 months been a perfect opportunity to really contemplate and observe and realize some of these things!
Life is a gift and an opportunity to realize your full potential as a human being – as a citizen of this world and how you leave a ‘heart print’, impact or more. Every situation, challenge, opportunity and relationship allows us to lean into life, lean into our depth and emit emotions and consciousness that can influence others.
I don’t know about you – but, this stressful, fear-based time has given me plenty of time to reflect and understand that I have been at both ends of the scale. I have expanded the love in my heart and in my life and I have also, added to the density of this burden. I own both and continue to navigate the waters as I crawl back up onto my Truth over and over again.
So, I offer some thoughts & ideas:
LOVE is always the answer
LEAN in and live while you are alive
ALLOW others their thoughts, beliefs and understandings
RESPECT differences of opinion
BE KIND always
LEARNING is a lifetime process
FEAR can be healthy – to keep you safe but don’t allow it to paralyze you
THINK for yourself – see what ‘feels’ right in your heart
TRUST your gut instinct (but also research through many sources)
FORGIVE yourself & others for mistakes made (we are doing our best everyday in every way)
MAKE HEALTHY choices – fresh air, sunshine, clean water, good food, good friends
MAKE CONSCIOUS CHOICES about what you take in on all levels of your being (including ‘news’)
FREEDOM is an inalienable right (on all levels of your being)
And the most important, LOVE IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER
Be kind & much love & light to you all