Waiting to be Saved

The past 2 ½ years have been divisive, devastating, harsh, challenging, uplifting at times, encouraging at times, but mostly frustrating and irritating overall.

I personally feel as though I have been waiting – putting my whole life on pause – waiting and waiting for something or someone to come and save me. 

At times it has felt like I was waiting for things to shift or change, at other times it was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I even was anticipating the arrival of someone, something, or some news to save the day! Waiting, stressing, getting upset and frustrated all the while, putting work and personal stuff on hold.

It’s been a humbling, frustrating couple of years. Looking back, if I’d known how this was going to play out to todays time, there are several things I would’ve done differently. In reflecting back on this time, I feel I have slipped backwards in many areas of my life – like I’ve lost traction and motivation to keep moving forward. Aw, yes hindsight is 20/20!

Sitting around for such an extended period – forced at times to stay home – forced to not work – forced to limit connections with others, especially family and friends, all took a toll on my physical body as well as my emotional and psychological bodies. In the anticipation of something changing for the better, I waited, stalled progress on my book, classes and courses, my retreats, my entire life. I’m realizing that I’m the one that needs to save my life by taking back my power.

In conversations with many friends who are also self-employed, they too have suffered immensely on all levels of their being (some even to the point of closing their long-time small businesses). In other conversations with those working for others, they too have been permanently affected by the artificial environment we were given.

Everyone has been affected in some way. No one escaped the harsh or subtle shifts. How have you managed? What have you done to help yourself adjust and continue forward?

As we re-establish ourselves, as we start to re-emerge in this changed world, there are so many lessons we can learn from this forced situation. 

Breathe. Realize it’s exactly the way it’s supposed to be for now. Discern what you do want or want to change. Take one baby step in the direction you want to go. Once you take that step, slow down and re-evaluate before deciding the next step.

Breathe. Re-assess and consider all areas of your life. Does it feel right? What areas are working and which are not? Decide to continue on this path or stop and change direction.

Breathe. Make a conscious choice each day to do your best. Be grateful for who you are today, for those in your life and for what you have. Gratitude will lift your vibration and help to shift things you want to change.

I think the biggest lesson for me, has been realizing my life will realign and move in the direction I want, when I do some work to move it that way. 

Remember, this is life – this is your life.

Live it as best you can each day. Realize that some days will be outstanding and expansive but other days will bring you to your knees. Ride the waves of life to the best of your ability. Accept the ups and downs as part of the journey. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns, life takes work. The more awareness and conscious choice you bring to your life, the more expansive experience you will invite in to create more of what you want in life.

Remember, you are the one you’ve been waiting for – you are the savior of your own life!

Brenda Dowell