I believe…
I believe, as this year winds down, it’s a good time to take stock and review our beliefs
I believe in the infinite possibilities born of faith, hard work and a willingness to take chances.
I believe that people are far more powerful than we’ve ever been told or taught.
I believe that our bodies are capable of far more healing than we’ve ever known.
I believe that each of us carries within our DNA, the codes for expansive life experiences.
I believe that each of us is connected through the energy of our hearts.
I believe that each of us carries, the Spark of the Divine/Creator/God within us.
I believe our thoughts carry immense power.
I believe the energy of emotions are the biggest gifts of our human experience.
I believe that Mother Nature knows how to balance herself, and she will.
I believe that we have the capacity for more joy and happiness consistently, then we believe we do.
I believe that as we open our hearts, more love will flow through us.
I believe as we open our minds, more knowledge can be acquired.
I believe as we integrate the knowledge we gain; more wisdom shines through us & our lives.
I believe the wisdom we embody, enhances our life experiences.
I believe the integrity of our heart and soul is constantly righting us in life & relationships.
I believe the Truth of who we are is far vaster than anything anyone has every told us.
I believe people do the best they can at any given time, based on what they know & what they believe to be true.
I believe that every situation, circumstance, and relationship in our lives offers us a door of opportunity to learn about ourselves and create more.
I believe that as we uncover the depths of our Truth, we add Light to the world.
I believe as we do our inner work, take responsibility for our lives, we raise our frequency & vibration in this world.
I believe as we raise our frequency & vibration, we gain access to deeper & deeper levels of our Being and the divine qualities we embody.
I believe as we raise our frequency & vibration, we add to the collective consciousness of the world, and we all benefit in that expansion.
I believe as we make mistakes and own our part in them, we grow into the best versions of ourselves.
I believe that mistakes we make help to keep us humble while affording us greater clarity in moving forward in our lives.
I believe as we love and accept ourselves as perfectly imperfect, we will be able to love others and open ourselves to allow them to love us as well.
I believe that we have been told many untruths in life and about life (some by innocent and well-meaning people, while others are more calculated).
I believe as we lean into life and into our connection with each other, we will find our way through the chaos of untruths, and land in a better place for humanity.
I believe our connections will be a Godsend in helping us cope with things we have relied upon to be true, that aren’t.
I believe facing the unknown and the lies in a methodical & conscious way, will build a resilience that propels us into greater & greater depths of life.
I believe we have the courage to face what is coming; compassion to love ourselves and others through it; and we’ll gain a clarity for ourselves and generations to come.
I believe in the innate goodness of people; I believe we can find our way back to that place.
I believe as we take back our power, as we stand in that power and live from an empowered place, we can change so much that is out of balance in this world.
I believe Love can heal us, connect us, and help us forgive as we move forward.
I believe …
What do you believe?