What's Your Purpose?

We are born into this incredible, challenging, amazing and chaotic world as a spiritual being having a human experience. We are extensions of the Divine. We carry a spark of the Divine within our hearts. Upon entry to this time and place, we are cloaked. We forget our connection to the Creator and to each other.

Some of the structures and organizations in this world continue to divide and separate us so we believe that we are not connected. This is a tremendous disservice to our journey in Life and creates so many more obstacles for us to navigate in finding our way home.

Our purpose in this amazing experience called Life, is to do our inner work throughout our lives – to come home to our hearts and remember. The power, strength, and capacity we have for unlimited love, abundance, and potential, already lies within us. Our work requires us to excavate these truths – these qualities and expand them through us into the world.

When we are young, we are taught the basics of life, how to survive, what our familial customs are, what society expects from us, and basically how to get along in life. If we are fortunate enough to have courageous, curious souls in our lives, they can help initiate us into the unknown and the ability to question everything to expand our hearts and minds into limitless inquiries.

Over the course of our lives, our intuition is meant to be listened to so that we learn. We are invited to unravel the layers of life that have dampened our Light. We need to do the inner work to uncover what is hidden within us. This is our most potent and important dance – elevating the Light within by engaging and illuminating the Dark. We are both – we have both and it is the culmination of them into a beautiful luminous dance that elevates our hearts and souls.

Most of us aren’t taught to honour our inner voice. We aren’t taught to listen within. We aren’t taught to recognize the depth of wisdom and beauty that we were born. We aren’t taught about our power and natural, God-given abilities. This is not to blame anyone along the way – it is the way Life was established for our revealing.

Our connections over the course of our lives can help us find the path back inside. Our teachers (spiritual and other) can be catalysts for our journey home. Be aware of those in your Life, in your circle of influence, as these people help pave the way for you to realize your full potential.

We are meant to find our way – to find our purpose through our work, relationships, and interactions to raise consciousness, frequency, and vibration in this incredible world.

We are given unique gifts upon birth – and are meant to bring them forth into the world to be of service to the whole. Finding our special ability to express ourselves for the highest good and greatest joy, is our soul’s purpose.

Are you on your Path?

Are you digging the depths within to find your Purpose?

Are you engaging both the Light and the Dark to uncover your gifts?

What’s next for you?

Brenda Dowell