Broaden Your Perspective
The more we expose ourselves to things – all things, both light and dark – the better the opportunity we have to broaden our perspective. In that pursuit, we also awaken a broader empathy and tolerance for things that may not be in our comfort zones of life and living.
As a young adult, I had so many established opinions and beliefs about life, living, people, work, family, etc. Things were solidified in my being. There wasn’t a lot of wiggle room for differing opinions from my perspective. My life experiences were few, my travels were few and my world views were based on a small-town existence in southwestern Ontario.
I believed what I believed and if you didn’t, so be it, but we probably wouldn’t be friends or hanging out together. My perspective was narrow, and it was challenged often which usually irritated me.
As life evolved, and as my life changed, I began travelling more. I was exposed to so many different things, people, ideas, beliefs, and opinions. Things kept bumping up against my narrow views and my bubble began to crack. I began to realize that everything isn’t absolute – that there are so many varying pieces to influence us in our perspectives.
This is why it’s so very important to be aware – to be mindful of everything we take in. It affects us. It affects our moods, our attitudes, our actions, our relationships, our work – everything.
We ‘take in’ food to nourish us physically. What we watch and read and discuss all influences our health on all levels of our being – physical, mental, emotional. Everything we take in has an influence over us and through us.
Be conscious – make better choices – because you will filter all you receive through your lens of perspective and that perspective will be expanded or contracted by what you believe to be true. If something doesn’t fit into that belief system – and you don’t have a capacity to expand the possibilities – you will probably shut down and rage against the dissonance. It will negatively impact you, your relationships, and your health.
When we are investigating or looking at things outside our comfort zones, we must use many resources to do our research on a variety of subjects. This action will help us build a resiliency to be able to expand our consciousness through life, living and learning. If you were to buy a chair and you only listened to the manufacturer’s claims about the chair – you’d get a very one-sided description of that chair. But, if you researched other peoples’ experiences and descriptions of that product, you’d have more information. So, when you are faced with subjects, ideas and beliefs that differ from your own – research – do your due diligence in investigating – through many sources. Do not rely on one source.
Every chance you get, expand your perspectives – expand your potential for regulating your nervous system to be able to take in things you don’t agree with or don’t believe in. Use the information, feel the resonance or dissonance, and move forward from there.
Life is a masterpiece of magic, challenges, and potential. When we approach it with an open heart and open mind, we can grasp bigger concepts, expand our knowledge, and make more conscious choices about what we believe, about what we will allow to influence our lives and how we live in a land of differing perspectives.