Courage to Live Full Out and be Seen

This incredible world has so much good in it – so much beauty – so much adventure and opportunity. It’s a welcome mat to explore the potential for each of us. This world also has much evil (greed, corruption, lies) and deception within it. Like life, this beautiful world just is! It becomes our responsibility to make choices, to find the courage to live it from the depths of our being.

To me, it seems, many people are scared to live – to actually live their lives and be seen. I include myself in that group, at times. In the hiding from life and living, we spend time judging and finding fault with others and the way they do things – all in a feeble effort to distract ourselves from our own inner work. 

The choice to avoid living isn’t always conscious. It can stem from a diminished self worth and fear of the unknown. As humans, we have been taught that we lack something – that there are things wrong with us. In the process of growing up, we have lost the ability to remember our Truth, to dig deep into the recesses of our heart and find the essence we were born with. 

As we continue to live – to lean into life – it becomes even more and more important for us to claim our birthright in order to live full out. 

As we prepare ourselves for expansive opportunities, we need to take steps forward. Each step requires us to identify the obstacles (some real and some imagined), and then find the courage to step anyway. Each progressive step will demand that we recognize the importance of becoming our best self along the way and let go of limiting thoughts, beliefs and patterns that hold us back.

Being in fear doesn’t mean we aren’t scared at times, but in noticing the fear – we are willed to consider – is it fear or is it hidden excitement? What are we afraid of? Do we cower at being seen for who we are? Are we afraid of being judged? What is the actual fear?

I have spent the last few years writing a book – procrastinating and distracting myself – then diving in and writing again (over and over). So many friends and family members have been consistently positive and encouraging in the process. I wanted to believe their sense of what I had within me. And, I have been afraid of judgement, rejection and being criticized in my creative expression. Well, I finally found the depths of courage to step out and the willingness to just ‘let it be’ whatever it is and trust this process. My book is done! (Set to be released in March 2023)! When I finished this book, it literally felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Wow, what a process of discovering myself and my patterns. 

No matter what happens, I put forth my best effort in this moment and gave back something of myself to the healing journey of this world (and myself). I’m still nervous, but I know I am stronger through this process, and I’ll step courageously into the next phase using all I have learned. 

So, I encourage each of you to lean in, to find the motivation to take a baby step in the direction of your dreams, and to excavate the courage to live full out (whatever that means to you). What have you got to lose? What have you got to gain? How will the process elevate your awareness and ability to shine from the inside out into this amazing world? What is the positive impact you can have in raising consciousness in this world? What heart print do you want to leave? 

Better to take a chance than to have regret. It’s time!

Brenda Dowell