Life is a Compilation of the Seeds we Plant
In this incredible journey of life, I keep reminding myself that living an enhanced and expansive life isn’t linear and requires a consistent attention to the seeds we plant.
There are so many seeds that we plant early in life, some bear fruit – some do not.
In the planting of seeds for our lives, we must tend to the nourishment of those seeds on some level. If we don’t, the seeds can lie dormant our entire lives and we can wonder – what happened, why aren’t they bearing the fruit we had anticipated?
Some of the seeds we plant are ‘in the moment’ high-energy, potentially ego-driven choices. As we move away from those influences (as our life changes and they become less important to us), our priorities change, and those seeds remain dormant and untended. They, therefore, don’t grow into impactful things in our lives (which can be a blessing).
At other times, we nurture seeds ‘we think we want’ and when they bear the unwanted fruit, we realize that we really didn’t want that version of things and we withdraw our attention and energy. Those things tend to die on the vine (but not before they have some impact on our lives). We get to learn to be more discerning and clearer.
It can be a blessing that all the seeds we have planted do not bear fruit!
Throughout our lives, we tend to move toward and away from what we have planted, with our attention and intentions. The ideas that we align with and give our energy to begin to sprout some noticeable things for our lives. As we continue to pay attention to them, they continue to grow into big changes for our lives or minor influences. Anything we give our awareness and energy to, will provide some harvestable things for our lives.
This is why it is so very important to:
Know ourselves better (what we want, what we need, what we don’t want or need)
Know our gifts and strengths
Consistently check in with our priorities as our lives change
Understand where we are putting our energy & influence
Know ways to tune in and shift what isn’t working to refocus our energy
Consciously plant seeds of abundance, love, compassion, kindness, patience, etc.
Work to be of service to the whole by raising consciousness as we live expansive, meaningful lives
Take baby steps toward the dreams & goals we want
What seeds have you planted? What seeds are you nurturing & giving your attention to? Are these seeds worthy of your energy? What other seeds can you plant or replant with intentional focus on the things you want to create in your life?
Keep tending your garden and I’d love to hear your process.