The Systems are Broken!

If there is one thing that has come out of the last 2-3 years that must be a certainty for all of us – it is that some (if not most) of the systems in place are broken! (Remember that it’s not the individuals being called out – it is the system itself).

No matter who you are, where you are, what you believe, your background, etc. – it is imperative to generate a healthy curiosity in all things & ask questions for clarity.

Curiosity and the ability to question everything has no labels, no gender and no ethnic or racial identity. Get curious, pay attention & be kind in the inquiry as you meet differing opinions & beliefs.

Curiosity is a natural, innate quality that we have been born with and we have been conditioned to suppress. We’ve been force-fed a diet of information, misinformation, disinformation, and agendas that do not always serve the highest good of humanity (which in turn, means you and I).

I love to read a lot. I love to learn. I love to meet new people and explore different ideas about the bigger things in life – the things that we base our life and living on. I have read that nothing is absolute.

There is a constant in life and that is everything changes. Therefore, we need to be questioning everything including science, medicine, legal, education, government, social mores, finance, absolutely everything!

The lack in the educational system is not because of the teachers; it is systemic – it’s the system itself. Our education has not been complete. It’s been truncated into a digestible narrative that answers some questions but not all of them. We are not taught life skills. We are not taught to think critically to help us navigate the waters of daily living on this beautiful Earth. We aren’t taught the limitless potential that we were born to be, as magnificent spiritual beings having this human experience. We need to question everything.

The medical system is blanketed in a lack of empowering the individual. The medical professionals are taught in a system that is funded by the pharmaceutical companies that have their own profit agendas. It is not the individual doctors, nurses & healthcare workers – again, it’s a system that is not set up to educate, inform, and empower people to make conscious decisions about their health & well being. We aren’t taught to be proactive but reactive. Therefore, we need to question everything.

We are taught from very young to believe and trust all authority figures. We are conditioned to give our power away and believe everything we are told.

When researching things, we want to know more about, we rely heavily on science and scientific studies. There are a couple of problems putting so much faith in scientists. The fact is that science is constantly evolving and changing the parameters of what is known to mankind. Therefore, getting cutting-edge, reliable, objective information can be a moving target. Also, many scientific studies in university programs are funded by interests that have ulterior motives. It seems in view of the past few years; science is no longer ‘pure’ – it has a price tag!

Questioning everything doesn’t mean that we need to change our beliefs! It doesn’t mean we will change anything but, don’t you owe it to yourself to get curious about things that don’t necessarily align with your heart and soul?  Don’t you owe it to yourself to expand your understanding – to expand your vision – to expand the potential options you have when making conscious choices?

Questioning everything allows you to keep an open mind and heart while navigating various levels of learning in this beautiful world. Truth can stand any level of questioning or review. Life invites you to dive in deeper - to understand deeper - to dance with the magic & mystery of the unknown. Get curious and ask! It’s from this place, that we can help create better systems that serve the highest good of all humanity.

Brenda Dowell