What are We Waiting for?

As the world continues through its cycles of creation and destruction, as Life moves through its evolution of consciousness, we continue our journey of growth and healing.

There are times in our lives when things move so fast that we can hardly keep up with the speed of the world. We run and run and run trying to catch the moment. We barely rest enough to keep functioning believing that we may miss out on something special. We move swiftly through our lives, our relationships, our work, our lessons, and opportunities. We simply spin like a tornado with the speed of life. It’s a blur whipping past our eyes! We can miss so much in the hustle and bustle. 

At other times, we wait. Wait and breathe. Wait and see. Wait and wonder. Wait and imagine. Wait and dream. Wait and remember. Wait and wish. We wait.

The dance of life asks both that we speed up to catch up and slow down to receive. 

The key is to discern and decide which times we need to speed up to keep up and fly through the experiences, and other times we need to resist the urge to buckle up and ride the wind. 

How do you decide? By knowing ourselves better! 

On the journey in life, we undergo so many opportunities and challenges – both consciously chosen and not. These situations give us a chance to understand our needs and wants. They provide a landscape to open us to full breadth of our being. What we must do is stay connected to our hearts as we move into and through these lessons. What then can unfold is a deeper connection with God/Source and ourselves. We can begin to know, accept, and love ourselves through our journey regardless of choices that perhaps were less than optimal. We can forgive and grow from all experiences. 

Healing is a process of recognizing, accepting, and feeling the pain/discomfort as we move into and through the fullness of the experience. We must feel to heal. Sometimes we need to run and keep running until we can process. In those times, we can temporarily avoid the messiness or pain, but it will surely find its way back into our lives at some point in some way. At that time, it is giving us another chance to recognize its value and lessons and to evolve from the pain.

Pain has a value. Most of us have been taught to avoid it. So, we do. In life, the recognition that there are ups and downs – good times, great times, and challenging times for us all. As spiritual beings having this incredible human experience, we evolve through all of it – if we can allow it to inform us, educate us, heal us yet not destroy us. Our spirits are strong and while things seem bleak, we can endure, heal, and learn from life. 

By understanding ourselves – knowing ourselves – we can discern and decide what is needed in each moment. Do we run, do we stand, do we collapse and cry? Life is all of it. Only you can decide for you – only you know what is best at any given time. 

We each must decide for our highest good and greatest joy, when it’s time to ride the wind and when it’s time to sit in the mud enabling us to live full out.

Brenda Dowell