
We all have patterns in our lives – some we are well acquainted with and some are quite unconscious. 

As we grow, we learn from our parents, our families and our friends how to do things, how to react, how to manage our growing little lives. We develop patterns of behaviour that make us and some things in life a bit more predictable. Most of the time, we lean into these patterns without much thought – without wondering if there is a better way as they seem to be working for us in getting us to the next step or adventure. 

When we hit a roadblock that our current patterns can’t rescue us from – we need to learn a new way of being or doing that allows us to grow differently. Again, family and friends can help us in discovering new paths – and thus, we develop new patterns. Life continues to evolve and so do we.

Most patterns over the course of our lives change as we do. Some, however, do not.

In Nature, there is a pattern called the Fibonacci Sequence. It is incredible and very widely used in many businesses, math, art, computer science, data analysis, etc. This Sequence is a series of numbers wherein each new number is the sum of the two that precede it. This pattern appears in nature from the growth patterns of plants, branches of trees, the root structures, shells, pinecones, the sunflower and much more. This Fibonacci Sequence is also seen in the structure of our DNA. 

This pattern is a wonderful example of a natural recurring sequence that has obvious incredibly beautiful and life-sustaining abilities. It’s a pattern that serves the world – that serves us for the highest good and greatest joy! It is a pattern that serves all Life.

In our lives, it is imperative that we lean in and learn about ourselves – get to know ourselves so well, including our patterns. We need to understand why we do what we do in certain situations and how we connect the dots in life. Once we know more about how we function, we can make more conscious decisions. We can then decide what patterns work in our lives and serve our highest good, and what patterns it may be time to let go of and transition into something better. 

In Yoga, there is a term – samskara – a groove in the mind – a pattern – that when something happens in our lives – a set of circumstances, we automatically fall into a known pattern of behaviour. It tends to be unconscious. Therefore, in recognizing those patterns/grooves for ourselves, all we need to do is determine if the pattern is life-enhancing or more detrimental to us and life. Once we determine that, we can change one thing – to change everything. 

Patterns like the Fibonacci Sequence and probably many others that we have chosen knowingly, can expand our life experiences and create wonderful opportunities for growth, healing and beauty. Other patterns can limit our lives and hold us back from becoming the best versions of ourselves. The work for us all comes in seeing them, acknowledging them, feeling if they resonate, and then deciding what we will do to enhance, modify, or eliminate that pattern. 

What patterns are you aware of in your own life?

Brenda Dowell