Taken for Granted
I don’t like to be taken for granted – do you?
So many things and people in our daily lives can become part of a routine landscape. We live, we breathe, we work, we relate, and we continue in our daily tasks.
Sometimes we aren’t even present to the ins and outs of our days. Things we do repeatedly become part of a daily ritual that enables us to check out – to not be present – with some of the seemingly mundane things we do. We can take them for granted.
Our lives are meant to be a beautiful experience of all that it means to be human – to be spiritual – to be alive on Mother Earth connected to Source/God. It sounds so wonderfully amazing, and it can be. It can also be routine, mundane & full of challenges.
Life encourages us to lean into what lies within the chambers of our hearts and souls and bring that innate goodness, that beauty that we are born with – into the world and share it with others. We all have unique gifts – and part of our journey, invites us to delve into what those gifts are and share them with the world.
Sometimes we get into a daily routine of jobs, errands and other things that become so second nature, that we can lose ourselves in them without being fully present. This is a recipe for taking things for granted – we assume that it will always be this ‘way’ and we trudge along the familiar path without noticing the signs, signals, and potential opportunities to change direction.
Sometimes we long for that adventure – to change things up and get us out of the mundane existence we lead day to day. We long to be engaged – we long to make a difference – we long to change ourselves and the world by our contributions and existence.
Our life lessons try to teach us to live more in the moment – to be available to each minute as it arises. We are encouraged to stay with every experience as it comes forward into our lives so that we can make more conscious choice. In my opinion, this is easy to say but much harder to practice.
So, like most things in this world, not taking anyone or anything for granted becomes a practice. A practice we continue to work on throughout our lives. We do the best we can every day in every way possible. It is a practice.