Run, Walk or Crawl
As children, most of us begin our journey of discovery by crawling. We are curious beings and we are drawn to explore the world. We are encouraged by those we love to move and begin the process of discovering things ourselves. We learn to navigate our bodies and the earth inch by inch feeling ourselves being propelled forward initiating movement from within. We have a limited perspective on life and living at this stage. Our perspective is constantly changing as we bump into things and navigate ourselves around them. This movement opens a whole new world for us to experience beyond the reach of our arms.
As we get stronger, more curious, aware and brave, we begin to walk. We are sometimes helped up by others or nearby furniture. Again, we are encouraged to find our own way as safely as possible. As we feel our way, finding our balance and learning to work with gravity, we begin to take our first steps and walk. At times we will stagger & other times we will get scared. Innately, we know to just sit down to stop the progression as we drop back to the floor. Sometimes with a few tears but we learn how to fall and pick ourselves back up again. This movement opens another world of exquisite joy and discovery.
As we get more and more comfortable walking and balancing, we are drawn to run. From deep within, a yearning we can’t understand initiates the desire to taste the wind and feel the exuberance of living faster. Our beloved family joyfully encourages the hastening of life and living. Moving faster brings life to us and through us much quicker and again, we can bump into things and fall back to the ground. As we realize, some movements require more finesse and judgement – we are building a repertoire of understanding life and how to navigate ourselves through day to day living. We get bumped and knocked down, we may cry, we may get soothed and eventually we get back up and do it again. We learn that some things are worth the risk to get bumped and knocked down in life in order to learn, discover and move forward.
As young adults learning new skills and entering relationships other than our nuclear families, we may feel as if we are crawling. Propelled forward into confusion, chaos and the unknown, we can find ourselves frustrated, angry and tired. Consciously or not, we begin to draw upon our childhood skill sets of learning to crawl, then walk, then run. We can ask for advice, listen to friends and family, and ultimately we must take the next steps forward to proceed along this path in life.
Entering different phases of our lives will require a capacity to know and admit that we don’t know. It requires an acceptance in Life that we are novices – we are not experienced in this realm or field – we are still learning – and this takes humility, dedication, courage, and faith.
The quest to keep learning – to heal unhealed parts of ourselves – to open ourselves to life and living full out – to give back in ways that make sense to us – are all part of the Divine plan. The deep yearning that we had as children (to crawl, walk & eventually run) is always present within us – guiding us and encouraging us to become the best versions of ourselves for the greater good of humanity.
From that inner calling, we are drawn into the world to learn about the things that intrigue and stimulate us to grow. When we realize we don’t know or understand something, we can independently research and lean into the unknown with a clarity of purpose and an open heart.
As we grow into better humans, as we know ourselves and life’s expectations of us better, we can understand that we are unique individuals & we are all in this amazing journey together. We can also see that we are at various stages of learning, healing and growing into the best versions of ourselves. We must remember that when we are running – others are still crawling; and when we are crawling – others will be flying. It is a unique and individual path awaiting your arrival.
To be able to find love, acceptance, patience and understanding for ourselves and for others as we all navigate the bumps and falling in life, I believe is our greatest calling.