Obstacles & Opportunities
Obstacle: something that stands in the way of literal or figurative progress. Obstruction, hindrance or impediment.
Opportunity: a favourable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances. A chance for progress.
So many things in life can be both huge obstacles and amazing opportunities. I know for myself many of the things I have lamented and cursed in the heat of the moment, have turned out to be some of the best opportunities in the evolution of my life.
Life can be amazing, challenging, wonderful and downright hard. So, much of how we experience each situation or circumstance is a reflection of our perspective. Our life experiences have a huge impact on our views and reactions to what life throws at us.
There is also the potential to create and recreate many things – many possibilities in our lives. We step into a new job – a new relationship – a new routine and it opens potential for expansive life changes or healing at deeper levels of our being.
Are there times when an obstacle is simply just an obstacle? Interesting thought and in that, I’d still offer that in the presence of the obstacle there is an opportunity for something. A chance to lean into a mistake, an error in judgement, a miscalculation and review its effect on the outcome, on your life. Each situation presents both positive and negative potentials.
We are in the midst of some of the most chaotic and discouraging obstacles to life and living. Many of the circumstances are out of our control and that adds a huge layer of frustration, disappointment and anger as it triggers so many of our survival instincts and questions of trust.
I can’t imagine the depth of pain for many (I can only know my own and work with that). In the arena of current obstacles, I’m learning more about myself and unravelling layers and layers of conditioned reactions. I’m questioning everything – things I believe in, things I don’t, things that trigger me and things that make my heart smile. It’s inner, deep work that humbles and encourages me forward. I will build deeper reservoirs of resiliency for love, compassion, forgiveness and empathy.
As you inquire and look at the obstacles around you and your life, I invite you to lean into it (when it feels doable) and consciously get very curious about what inspires you, what empowers you, what deflates you, what triggers you, what you have control over, and what & who can open your eyes to see a view of life and YOU beyond what you currently believe to be true. It ’s challenging and insightful work – well worth the discomfort and inquiry.
Be true to yourself and know what is currently doable for you. You are resilient and strong. Trust yourself to know.