Reminders in Life

Sometimes I forget what I need to know the most, especially in times of need. It amazes me to this day & I’m sure it will continue to surprise me as life goes on. 

I find that I have all kinds of ideas and thoughts and ‘helpful’ suggestions for those in my life. When it comes to something I’m working on though, at times I forget the most important things I have learned. 

I feel, I think, I teach, I learn, I heal, I grow, I stumble, I fall, I get up, I lay down, I laugh, I cry and during all of this, I continue to be humbled in the vast unknown or unremembered. I also continue to learn patience. I guess that is the path of ‘humanity’ and our continued journey for knowledge, understanding and acceptance. 

I’m curious about so much in life. I want to lean in and learn more and more. Especially about the magic and the mystery of what is at the edge of our knowing. 

While on this quest for knowledge, I often forget to bring with me the lessons I have learned, and the wisdom gained through my experiences. This piece is fascinating and frustrating at the same time. 

Do you find that you stumble in the search for answers for yourself, for things and people in your life?

We all need reminders in life. We need reminders about what is truly important, about what we can and cannot influence or change, and about why we are here at this time in history. It is usually my family and close friends that help me find my way back to a manageable depth for continued exploration. They are my sounding boards – my conscience at times and my consistent reminder of life and its infinite possibilities. They remind me to never give up and always remember that I’m connected – I’m not alone. They see things in me and help me to find them myself.  They are my ‘human reminders’ of grace, ease and I have so much gratitude for them.

When we pay attention to life – when we are present to it – there are so many reminders for us to take in and discern what they mean for us. A song on the radio, a conversation with someone, a literal road sign or a saying on a passing vehicle – there are so many reminders for us when we have eyes to see and ears to hear. When I need some insights, I will pay close attention to nature, to actual signs on cars & trucks. It usually makes me smile. I also look for triple numbers. Sitting still with ourselves is so important during these times. I struggle with this at times as well. Our work is to pay attention to it all and stay present to the lessons & the learning as we heal and grow. 

Our bodies are also reminders in life. They remind us by poking us, slowing us down and showing us that ‘full speed ahead’ is not the only way and isn’t necessarily the best way. Our bodies are constant reminders of the limitations of time and space. It is up to us to listen, to learn and to remember to honour all of who we are. These physical reminders are usually the most challenging for me. When I don’t take care of myself or listen to the cues my body gives, the results aren’t usually welcome – although, they’re needed in the process of understanding, accepting and healing to move forward. 

Ah, yes! Life is a divine opportunity everyday to see, hear and participate in creating the best possible life for each of us. And when we need those reminders, it’s necessary to slow down and pay attention to receive them. 

What are your reminders in life?

Brenda Dowell