Support Systems

The reliance on those around us can create deep bonds of trust, lasting friendships, and a healthy foundation of support to guide us over the course of our lives. But, if this reliance isn’t healthy or given conditionally, it can cause all sorts of codependency, self-esteem issues or problems trusting others.

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Brenda Dowell
Dreams do Come True…

This book represents some of my journey, my processes for transformation and realigning myself every day with my heart and soul. It takes work, courage, a willingness to be vulnerable and commitment (which came and went many times). I’m proud of the end result.

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Brenda Dowell
What Matters Most?

What are you willingly bringing to the surface for healing? What are you ready for? Will you allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to heal deeper recesses of your heart? 

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Brenda Dowell
I believe…

I believe, as this year winds down, it’s a good time to take stock and review our beliefs

I believe in the infinite possibilities born of faith, hard work and a willingness to take chances.

I believe that people are far more powerful than we’ve ever been told or taught.

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Brenda Dowell